Saturday, May 17, 2008


We take it for granted that we take it for granted that cell phones and Wi-Fi are an inextricable part of our 21st Century daily lives. Who remembers a world without them? Heck, I don't even remember a world where gas was under $2.

In the rush for mad convenience, we turn a blind eye to the still-being-investigated short-term and long-term effects of all the electromagnetic dynamism going on around us. From the website of the h.e.s.e project (the international scientific Internet platform on topical issues), we get some idea....

"If indeed the increased ambient and chronic exposure to low levels of especially digitally-structured electromagnetic fields does present a risk to health and well-being of people, then it is important to recognise and respond to this as soon as possible. Very many scientists worldwide have indeed found that this is the case, but such is the global impetus for the convenience of wireless communications, and such is the dependence of the global economy upon these industries, that it is infinitely preferable that all the perceived effects in human are just the result of techno-anxiety."

To anyone with a logical eye, it's so much more that just some luddite-worry fest. Check out more from the nature page of the h.e.s.e project on some of the effects and theories of our hyped-up modern electromagnetic world on birds, bees, and you.

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