Sunday, April 5, 2009

Darwin Is Dead!-Messing With Darwin in Texas

If you would like to contribute to our year-long "celebration" of Darwin's 200th birthday, please send your articles, editorials, or any other creative and informative pieces to

In the science classrooms of Texas, a battle of wills between the supporters of Darwin's theory of evolution and those who support the theory of intelligent design met with an unclear and unsatisfying conclusion for both sides in a recent court decision on new "open-minded" language to be included in upcoming versions of state science textbooks.

You can read all about it here.

Those of us who are advocating a new, critical examination of the theories of evolution face an uphill battle-by all sincere standards of scientific examination, there should be no problem in advocating for an open-minded approach for these students in studying the yet-as-unproven aspects in Darwin's master work.

But as we see here, there is an intellectual and social brick wall of elitism and dare I say, fundementalism, that just about nearly prevents any "alternative" approach to the study of Darwin's theory (and by "alternative" we mean anything other than a blind acceptance of its indisputable fact in explaining the development of species) from being introduced to the students of America.

On top of that, we also often deal with the theory of intelligent design being instinctively lumped in with Biblical creationism. These obstacles require those of us coming from the Vedic paradigm to use all of our intelligence and blessings to help clear the path for a true and strong dialogue on the theories of evolution. It is what Prabhupada wanted us to do.


  1. Intelligent design is not a scientific theory. It's nothing more than a childish idiotic belief in magic, and there's nothing scientific about it.

    Calling magic "design" is dishonest and just plain stupid. Intelligent design idiots should just admit they believe in magic and stop calling it science, unless they enjoy being laughed at.

  2. On top of that, we also often deal with the theory of intelligent design being instinctively lumped in with Biblical creationism.

    Bible magic or intelligent design magic.

    Whatever adjective you attach to magic, it's still magic and it's still childish.

    Here's a wild and crazy idea. Why don't you study science instead of making a fool out of yourself. Any educated person reading your blog would accurately conclude you're a hick who doesn't even know what science is.

    By the way the basic facts of evolution are the strongest facts of science. If you ever bothered to study science instead of lying about science you would have known that.

  3. "a blind acceptance of its indisputable fact in explaining the development of species)"

    What bullshit. I accept the fact the earth is not flat. Would you call that a blind acceptance?

    Evolution is how the world works. Scientists know this because of the EVIDENCE.

    Can you say "evidence"? Why don't you try repeating that word a few times. Evolution has tons of it. Your childish belief in magic, which you dishonestly call design, has not one shred of evidence.

  4. Evidence works both ways. If you want to be bold, examine the books Forbidden Archeology and Human Devolution, which detail archeological discoveries that do not fit in with the current theories of evolution.

    You can examine these sites with whatever open mind you have, and we can have an intelligent discussion.

    We are not trying to prove anything. We simply want an critical look at the evidence that is there.

    I am supplying evidence. So, where is yours?
