Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Govardhan Eco-Village

 For more click here to check out the Govardhan Eco-Village website

Govardhan Eco-Village illustrates ‘Simple Living & High Thinking’ – a principle which is so succinct, yet profound, and formed the basis of life in the bygone age of wisdom.

Life in the Vedic times was focused on Service, but not on exploitation; this was the cardinal rule of living and the very essence of people’s dealings – with each other and that with Mother Nature. With the concepts of eco-living being innate, the Vedic lifestyle was truly an eco-friendly way of living life as instanced in the timeless Vedic scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-Gita. We at Govardhan Eco Village hope to present this model to the world as an alternative way of lifestyle and perhaps a solution to the impending ecological crisis.

Govardhan Eco-Village is a farm community spread over a scenic landscape of 60 acres at Galtare, Wada situated 110 km North of Mumbai, India. Since its inception in the year 2003, Govardhan Eco-Village has made steady progress in organic farming, cow protection, education, rural development, alternative energy, eco friendly constructions and sustainable living.

In the scenario where environmental crisis is on the rise, Govardhan Eco-Village is an example of living in harmony with nature. The purpose behind Govardhan Eco-Village is twofold – one is to present a sustainable living model based on community living and second is to educate people in the field of traditional sciences including Yoga and spirituality.

For demonstrating the principles of Eco-friendly living, Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), stressed on developing farm communities as they present the only sustainable way of leading a life which is physically, mentally, socially, economically, spiritually and environmentally friendly. He said, “The Krishna consciousness movement is therefore establishing various farms to show how to be happy and content with minimum necessities of life and to save time for self-realization, which one can very easily achieve by chanting the maha-mantra—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”

Govardhan Eco-Village (GEV) is an ISKCON Chowpatty initiative under the inspiration and guidance of Radhanath Swami, who is the spiritual mentor at ISKCON Chowpatty. Radhanath Swami, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, spent a great number of years in a farm community established by Srila Prabhupada experiencing an eco-friendly lifestyle, serving the cows and leading the life of a monk.
To fulfill the dream of his spiritual master, Radhanath Swami envisioned a farm community in India highlighting the importance of living in harmony with nature, and inspiring his followers to serve the society by setting up a model farm community – Govardhan Eco-Village.

We invite you to visit us and have a divine and refreshing experience. Feel free to contact us at

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